Tag: Rivera Beach Police department

Home » Rivera Beach Police department
City Of Rivera Beach Offers Settlement After Officer’s K9 Attacks Man After Surrendering! 

City Of Rivera Beach Offers Settlement After Officer’s K9 Attacks Man After Surrendering! 

More information can be found here https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/2021/09/17/riviera-beach-settles-lawsuit-man-bitten-police-dog/8363742002/ The victim in this case is currently serving time for the original encounter his release date is 2025. In his letter of intent to sue he demanded $400,000 from Rivera Beach Fl because he has permanent injuries. City Council However is talking about settling with him for $55,000....

Cop Demands ID But Does The Walk Of Shame Instead!! Unlawful Detainment • Tyrant Exposed 

Cop Demands ID But Does The Walk Of Shame Instead!! Unlawful Detainment • Tyrant Exposed 

acuraamandaproductions@gmaildotcomFilmed on 07/21/21 At The Rivera Beach Police Department/ Government Complex parking lot Since they are deleting Face Book Coments Leave a Nice Google Review Reviews ⬇️ https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJwFwUsKgCAQAFDa1gnauWntaGqTR-gW4zchSETC4_fevPDMRc8OlUGY7AYDMWDQkMyhnJS0WxgCCBVoTEp6YU681la-EhsxF8nfrL5P8ZGFWPsPU2sXFg&q=riviera+beach+police+dept&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS937US937&oq=Riveara+Beach+Police+Dep&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46i13i175i199j0i22i30l3.8552j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#wptab=s:H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLWT9c3LElPsjAxs3jEaMYt8PLHPWEp3UlrTl5jVOfiCs7IL3fNK8ksqRSS5GKDsvileLmQ9fHsYuL3yU9OzAnIzwxKLctMLS9exKpelAlkFSUqJKUmJmcoFOTnZCanKqSkFiQWleSm5pUoFEFUAgD9XFVGhAAAAA Riviera Beach Police Department 600 W Blue Heron Blvd, Riviera Beach, FL 33404 (561) 845-4123 (non emergency) Sergeant Menard Car number 1428 @AmericanAmy https://youtube.com/user/TheAmyKohn American Amy’s Angle...

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