Welcome To The Acura Amanda Channel *Check me out on The Activism News Network Inquries can be sent to : acuraamandaproductions@gmail dot com Channel Paypal Link: paypal.me/AcuraAmanda ***Equipment Used*** Apple Iphone 12 Pro Max Nikon D 5600 Nikon Af-p DX Nikkor 70-300mm lens Nikon Key Mission 360 GoPro Hero 8 UGrip Pro Rode Mic W...
Tag: Poster 7
“Poster 7 Never Heard Of It!” USPS West Palm Beach Fl First Amendment Audit
Poster 7 summarizes these rules and regulations and must be posted on postal property for all those entering to view. It is a mandatory posting required by the Postal Operations Manual, section 125.342, Mandatory Lobby Displays. https://www.google.com/search?q=usps+summit+blvd&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS937US937&oq=usps+sum&aqs=chrome.0.0i355j46i175i199j0l3j69i57.2851j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#wptab=s:H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLWT9c3LMlOMyw2z3vE6M4t8PLHPWEpu0lrTl5jtODiCs7IL3fNK8ksqRTS4mKDshS4-KWQ9WkwSPFyIQvw7GLi98lPTswJyM8MSi3LTC0vXsRqUpqXWZKaolBckliSWqxQkA9k5CgUpxaVZSanKpSnFpcoFCTm5CokpSYmZygUQbQBAMu7bhyiAAAA Link to their Google ⬆️ Equipment Apple IPhone 12 Pro Max Go Pro Hero 8 Nikon D5600 Rode...